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Field Indicator

Field indicator

A field indicator, in the context of instrumentation and process control, refers to a device used to provide a visual indication of a process variable in the field or on-site. It is typically installed close to the measurement point, allowing operators and personnel to easily monitor the process variable without the need for accessing a centralized control room or panel.


Field indicators are commonly used in industrial applications where real-time monitoring of process variables is critical. They are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and vibration, and provide reliable indication in challenging operating environments.


The main function of a field indicator is to display the current value of the measured process variable. This can be accomplished through a digital or analog display, which shows numeric readings or graphical representations of the process variable in real-time. The display is often designed to be easily readable and user-friendly, ensuring that operators can quickly and accurately assess the status of the process.

Field indicators are typically connected to sensors or transmitters that measure the process variable and provide input signals to the indicator. The indicator then processes and displays the received signals to provide the visual indication. Common process variables that can be monitored with field indicators include temperature, pressure, flow rate, level, pH, and more.


Metron Mena offers a range of high-quality field indicators designed to provide accurate and reliable visual indication of process variables. Our field indicators are built to withstand rugged environments and provide clear and easily readable displays. Contact us today to learn more about our field indicator solutions and how they can enhance your process monitoring capabilities in the field.

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