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Float Level Switch

Float Level Switch

A float level switch is a type of level sensing device used to detect the level of liquids in a tank or vessel. It consists of a float, typically made of plastic or stainless steel, and a switch mechanism, which is activated by the movement of the float. The float is designed to float on the surface of the liquid and move up and down with the level of the liquid in the tank. As the float moves up or down, it activates the switch mechanism, which triggers an electrical signal or a mechanical action, such as opening or closing a valve or turning on a pump. Float level switches are highly versatile and can be used to monitor both high and low levels of liquids, making them useful for a wide range of applications, including water and wastewater treatment, chemical processing, and food and beverage production. They are simple, reliable, and cost-effective, and they can be constructed with explosion-proof enclosures for use in hazardous environments. Float level switches are easy to install and require minimal maintenance, making them a popular choice for applications where simplicity and reliability are important factors.

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